September 04, 2020| Environment
By: Lake Hopatcong Foundation
A new video from Wildlife Forever, funded in part by a BoatUS Foundation Grassroots Grant shows watersport boat owners how to easily follow “Clean, Drain, Dry” at the boat ramp to help prevent the spread of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS). Support for the video also came from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and boat retailer Marine Max.
“Today’s watersports enthusiasts enjoy riding big waves,” said BoatUS Foundation Director of Outreach Alanna Keating. “To help them substantially increase the wave height and size, some recreational boats utilize large internal ballast compartments or use external bags that are filled with water. However, after using and before moving on to another water body, these bags or tanks need to be thoroughly drained and dried for five days to eliminate any AIS from being spread to other waters.”
A recent study from the Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center using AIS-infested water showed that even after draining, these ballast compartments could contain more than 12 cups of residual water. Wildlife Forever’s one-minute video concisely runs through each of the steps necessary to help keep local waters clean by showing how to properly decontaminate a wake-style boat and its trailer.
Find out more about the Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers national campaign to help recreational water users be part of the solution to help prevent and slow the spread of aquatic invasive species HERE.