August 05, 2020| Community, Events
By: Lake Hopatcong Foundation
As a result of the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Lake Hopatcong Foundation has made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Lake Hopatcong Block Party.
While things have greatly improved in New Jersey, we still, unfortunately, face much uncertainty and numerous hurdles, including obtaining the permits needed and being able to reasonably transport visitors to and from the park. Since our top priority is the safety of our community, as well as everyone involved in the Block Party, it has become clear we should not move forward with plans for the event this year.
The Lake Hopatcong Block Party is one of our favorite days of the year, so we're deeply disappointed we won't be able to offer this unique opportunity, in 2020, to celebrate Lake Hopatcong life at Hopatcong State Park. Our sincere gratitude goes out to our Block Party planning team, we can’t thank them enough for their dedication and willingness to adjust and persevere through these tumultuous times. Finally, we truly sympathize with all the vendors and visitors who were counting on being part of this event and vow to keep working toward a better and brighter Block Party when, once again, we'll all be able to gather safely.
We greatly appreciate everyone's patience as we did our best to navigate through these uncertain times, and we thank you for your support.
Be careful, stay well, and we hope to see you all very soon,
The Lake Hopatcong Foundation Team