July 28, 2023| Community, Events, Fundraising, People
By: Caitlin Doran
Duplicating the success of a big event, like last year’s 10th anniversary gala, can be a little intimidating. However, our gala committee and our community rose to the occasion this year, and the result was a truly wonderful evening that raised just over $100K to help protect and improve Lake Hopatcong!
Nearly 280 dedicated supporters of the Lake Hopatcong Foundation gathered at Stone Water last Thursday, to see old friends and make new ones, eat delicious food, bid on sixty amazing auction items, and help us celebrate the achievements of three very special honorees: Senator Steven V. Oroho, Larry Orlans, and Gay Ann Bucci. During the awards program, our own grants and program director, Donna Macalle-Holly, was also invited up to the stage and recognized for a decade of work protecting and improving Lake Hopatcong with the Foundation. We are grateful to them all for their critical roles furthering our environmental, educational, community and advocacy initiatives. One moment that stands out among the rest during last week’s awards program was when Gay, as she does with students at the end of each field trip, had the crowd cheering, “We love Lake Hopatcong!” Truly, we and the lake were feeling the love in the room that night!
We’d also like to take this moment to thank Senator Bucco, Assemblywoman Dunn, and Willy Tolba on behalf of Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill, for helping us honor these outstanding individuals. Thanks also to the county commissioners, mayors, and councilpersons who joined us on Thursday.
Our annual Gala and Auction comes together through the hard work of a dedicated committee that plans and preps for months. Please take a bow, Stacey Allen, Cindy Bochniak, Mike Broking, Marie Cook, Robin Dora, Karen Foley, Lisa Hirschfeld, Pat Hoferkamp, Jim Leffler, Patty Parise, and Liz Poskitt. You did it again!
Like most of our events, the night runs on volunteer power! Thank you, Kathy Damerel, Bill Hirschfeld, Blair Keller, Lee Moreau, Christine Perez, Rose Silletto, and Susan Heilmann for donating your time with setup, registration, selling raffle tickets, and helping attendees place bids.
This marked year four of incorporating our big Split-the-Pot raffle into the gala, and we are happy to inform readers that we sold out of all 300 tickets, with $15,000 raised to support the Lake Hopatcong Foundation and $15,000 divided up amongst our first, second, and third place winners. A big shout out to this year’s top sellers on the committee: Stacey Allen, Lisa Hirschfeld, Jim Leffler, and Pat Hoferkamp, who together sold more than half of all tickets! This year’s Split-the-Pot winners were:
1. Georgia Schilling from Hopatcong
2. Leslie Smith from Flanders
3. Sandra Brennan from Mine Hill
Congratulations and thank you to all our Split-the-Pot participants!
The gala would not have been the rousing success it was without the support of our sponsors: businesses and individuals who made an impactful financial contribution. Let’s have an encore for the Hudson Farm Foundation, the John and Grace Soldoveri Foundation, Live the Lake NJ, Bob and Cynthia Hamburger, Liquor Factory, the Davino Family Foundation, Caruso Lakeshore Construction and Services, Ken and Jess Beckerman, Fulton Bank of New Jersey, Franklin Mutual Insurance Company, Sandler Training, Bruce R. Koerner Cranes & Equipment Inc., Nisivoccia LLP, Mt. Olive Veterinary Hospital, New Jersey League of Conservation Voters Education Fund, Byram Bay Bistro, Anderson & Rust Consulting, Ken and Mary Kennon, Rich and Terri Romeo, Peter & Cynthia Kellogg, David and Kathi Jones, Mr. and Mrs. David Glass, Katz's Marina, Tuli Enterprises, and our most gracious and generous host, Stone Water!
To everyone who donated an auction item, we say thank you so much! The auction has really become the highlight of the event and a critical part of our fundraising efforts. Thank you to: Alice's, Amy Hallowich, Andre's Restaurant, Ashley Talerico, At The Lake Jewelry, Ayush Patel, Baronements by Jennifer Barone, Becky Rubenstein, Ben Terner, Bernd and Kaiya Hefele, Bob Kays, Bridge Marina, Bruce Ryerson, Chris Broking, Cindy and Ken Heaton, Due Process, Gillian Sciaretta and Gary's Wine & Marketplace, Green Mojo Eco-Consulting, Hackensack Riverkeeper, Hans Karlsen, Harry and Jennifer Safreed, Hawk Ridge Farm, Helrick's, Hudson Farm Club and Griffin & Howe, Jamie O'Hara, Jim Leffler, Jon Rafalowski, Karen Foley, Karen Fucito, Kathy Damerel, Kula Yoga and Wellness, Lake Hopatcong Adventure Company, Lake Hopatcong Cruises, Lake Hopatcong Foundation, Lake Hopatcong Foundation Board of Trustees, Lake Hopatcong Guide Service, Lake Hopatcong Historical Museum , Leslie Brunn, Lisa Hirschfeld, Marty Kane, Mayor Michael Francis, Mike Broking, Mike Broking and Jim Leffler, Mike Smith, Morris County School of Glass, New Jersey Electric Boat Company, NJ School of Conservation, Patty Parise, Prominent Properties Sotheby’s International Realty - The Dora Group, Ramsey Outdoor Stores, Rich Schindelar, Richard Rosenfeld, Scott Pollio, Shiseido Americas, Shower Your Pet Spa, Spiderweb Art Gallery, Stacey and Tommy Segond, Stephen Taylor Portrait, Stone Water, The Growing Stage Theatre, Toad & Thyme, and Tom Cook.
Did you miss out on the auction? There are currently three items still available for purchase at a discounted rate that will remain up through the weekend. Support the Lake Hopatcong Foundation and take home Parisian perfume, fine art, or a portrait sitting and Bernards Inn stay.
We’re grateful to everyone who purchased an ad in our event journal, and we invite everyone to flip through and get to know the many businesses and individuals who are passionate about protecting and improving Lake Hopatcong. Keep the party going with great cocktail recipes, which are also enclosed, thanks to committee member Karen Foley (cheers, Karen)! See the journal here: part 1, part 2.
Whether you attended, bid on an item, sponsored, made a donation, placed an ad in our journal, bought a Split the Pot ticket, or simply helped us spread the word, we are truly grateful to our growing community of supporters who tell us they care about the health and vibrancy of Lake Hopatcong, at gala time and all the time! Cheers to you!
Here's a look at all the fun we had on Thursday, July 20, compliments of talented photographer Ulla Vinkman. Meet you back at Stone Water in 2024!
March 10, 2025
Environment, Events
March 09, 2025
Education, Environment