Lake-Friendly Living Guide

Simple ways you can help protect Lake Hopatcong!

Lake-friendly living isn’t just for those who live on the shores of Lake Hopatcong. Stormwater flows into the lake from the hillsides all around it, carrying soil, nutrients, salt, pollution, and other items that are detrimental to our water quality. View/download our Lake-Friendly Living Guide to learn some positive steps you can take to protect the water quality of our beautiful lake as well as your property values!

Everyone in our watershed makes daily decisions that can affect our lake. From deciding whether or not to fertilize your lawn, how to pave your driveway with pervious pavement, or what new dishwasher to buy, there are many different ways to live lake-friendly. Our goal is to ensure that residents, visitors, and businesses understand that each decision you make and each action you take helps to protect Lake Hopatcong now and for decades to come.

View/Download Guide

This Lake-Friendly Living Guide was funded through a grant from The Watershed Institute

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