The following individuals are dedicated Lake Hopatcong Foundation supporters, who are passionate about protecting the environment and enhancing the experience on and around Lake Hopatcong.

Would you like to help support our efforts to protect and improve our lake? You can donate here!

Thank you to the following donors who contributed to our year-end appeal during the months of November and December and helped us get closer to our year-end goal of raising $65K by December 31. Your gift goes a long way in helping us keep Lake Hopatcong healthy and vibrant, now and for future generations!


Anonmyous in honor of Arthur Clarke
Dominic and Deborah Addesso
James and Deborah Alvine
Mr. and Mrs. Barone
Beth Styler Barry
The Bekker Family
Billie Cove LLC
Mark Bishop
Boating Safety First
Mark & Debbie Bode and Family
Rob and Terry Bond
The Boughton Family
David Brennan in honor of Caitlin Doran
Michael Broking
Gay Ann Bucci
Cassie McCrea Burns in honor of Michael and Sheila Bonsignore
Eric and Colleen Burt
Byram Bay Bistro
Canal Society of New Jersey
Judy Caruso and Brian Goode
Paul and Paula Chaney
Dan Chiariello
The Chiariello Family
Rob and Elena Cobleigh
Thomas & Marie Constance Cook
Margaret Corsi
Kathleen Courter and Richard Rude
The Coyle’s
Al and Carolyn Cuda in memory of Dot and Ed Cuda
William Davis
John and Mary Clare Decker
John and Cyndi Deermount
Dave and Jen Dodd
Thomas A. Donofrio and Michele C. Neshem
Linda Dora
Chris Drake and Vilma Sniukiene
Lauren Drew in celebration of Caitlin Doran
Bob and Linda Drexler
Joshua Dubnick
The Echevarria-Pardo Family in memory of Enrique Pardo
Daniel and Barbara Edwards
David and Elisabeth Eliason
Dave Feldman
Lynn Fisher
James and Anne Flinn
Tom and Debbie Flinn
Kim & André Floyd
Kenneth J. Fox
Susan Frankle & John Uzzolino
Karen Fucito and Denise DiMatteo
Barbie and Jimmy Garruto
The Geary/Morris Family
Kim and Harry Gedicke
Lucy Gentile
Mike and Jess Georgevich
Steven Gransky
Jeffrey and Annmarie Guenther
Bob and Cynthia Hamburger
Stella C Harker
Ken Heaton in memory of his parents
Cindy Heaton in memory of her godparents and sister
Brian Richard Hewitt
Kim Hipwell
Bill and Lisa Hirschfeld
Kathy Hughes and Elizabeth Flinn
David Humphreys
Mike Iacobino 
Robert Janeczko
Susan Johnston in memory of William Richardson
Jones Day in honor of Béla Szigethy
The Jones Family
Kathy Juliano for the birthday of Bob Kays
Martin and Laurie Kane
Linda Karpiak
Robert and Denise Kays
Thomas Keane
Sharon and Tony Kerrison
Richard and Delores Kirkeby
Stefan and Kathryn Knapik
Knollwood Club Inc.
Eddie and Karen Koster
Rodger Kraft
Ron and Barb Kraus
Annette Lange
Ken and Mary Ruth Lareau
Don Learn
Denise Leffler
Jimmy Leffler
Bernard and Arlene Lelling
Brian Lewis
Jay and Jacqueline Lipper
Carrie Lips Lukas
Jim Long in memory of James Long
Dawn Lucas and Cornelia Major
Susan and Howard Mandelbaum
Jim and Marisol
Mrs. Mary Jean Martin in honor of Marty Kane
Wade and LeeAnn Martin
David and Maria Martorana
Susan Meeker in memory of Robert T. Meeker
M. Meloro
Captain Lee Moreau
Valerie Morgan in memory of Edward T. Morgan
Gloria Mosior in memory of Ian Simms
Patricia Mueller
Ed & June Mulligan
Jess, Chris, Arden, Nate, Charlotte, and Max Murphy
Scott and Aida Nelson
Ross Newick
Holly Odgers
Larry Orlans
John Otto
Jim and Linda Pabian  
Lisa Palanchi
Mike Panos in memory of Rev. Patrick Panos
Bob and Patty Parise
Albert and Deanna Passanante
Martin and Mona Phillips
Pollio Construction
Frederic Poses in celebration of Nadine Ellerthorpe
The Poskitt Family
Marilyn Poskitt
Jane R. Primerano
Donna Racioppi
John & Virginia Reiner
Bob Rice
Kyle Richter in honor of Cliff Lundin
Jens Riedel in celebration of Caitlin Doran
Evelyn Ronga in memory of Brenda Agamie
Burt and Sandy Rosevear
Ross Realty Inc
Rotary Club of Lake Hopatcong
Rebecca Rubenstein in memory of Alan and Faith Rubenstein
Joseph S and Lynne Rutkoski III
Judith L Sabo
Nick and Dianne Sarinelli
Ralph and Susan Savastano
Jay and Ging Scanlon
Frederick and Ellen Scherr in memory of Fred and Ruth Scherr
Keith & Georgia Schilling
The Schuehler Family
Joyce Sciacca
Bruce Scodro
Michell & Thomas D. Sellaro
Mike and Jeannette Shannon in celebration of Caitlin Doran
Kelly Sheehan & Dave Silletto
Ronald Sheppard
Adams K Shipman
Robert and Janine Shugan
Trudy Simms in memory of Ian Simms
Steve and Diane Skaflestad
Carolyn Jean Smith
Les Smith
Ron Smith
Robert Soldoveri
David and Sandra Springer
Caryle Steggall
Stewart Surveying and Engineering, LLC
Neal Strain in memory of Lois Strain
Ed Susco
Walter & Christine Syzonenko
Cal and Vicki Thomas
Anna N Travers in memory of Richard J Travers
Diane Tullo in memory of Kenneth Osborn
Thomas Unger
Cal Valencia
Ana and Rob van den Hende
Timothy Weber and Donna Catapano
Rosalie Weeks
Elisa and Mathieu Wernick
Mary Beth White
Richard Willis
Greg and Lynn Wilson in memory of Pat Dougherty
The Winfield Family
Matthew & Renée Wood
Albert and Karen Yannarelli
Lisa and Henry Zamorski in memory of Rob, Sidney, and Eleanor Blankenship

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