September 18, 2020| Community
By: Lake Hopatcong Foundation/Lake Hopatcong Commission
As we have received a few calls about the annual lake drawdown, we are sharing the following information posted by the Lake Hopatcong Commission this week.
With fall on the horizon you may be wondering when the annual Lake Hopatcong drawdown will occur, or maybe this is the first time you’re hearing about it. Either way, here is your refresher.
Each year the water level on the lake is lowered to allow for waterfront maintenance and to protect private property from ice damage. The lake level is managed by Hopatcong State Park staff through adjustments in the four sluice gates at the dam within the park. This year, as per the water level mangement pilot program introduced in 2016, the lake will be lowered by 22 inches.
The date of the drawdown can vary by a few days depending on variations in water level from year to year, but generally it begins in mid-November with the goal of completing the drawdown by December 15th. During the 22-inch drawdown, the water level is maintained until such a time when spring thaw has softened the ice on the lake sufficient to avoid ice damage to private property. Once the spring thaw is underway, the sluice gates on the Lake Hopatcong Dam will be closed enough to maintain sufficient flow to the Musconetcong River and allow refill of Lake Hopatcong to the spillway crest elevation of 9 feet.
For more information on the lake water level management, please visit our website at: