June 12, 2020| Education, Environment, Events
By: Donna Macalle-Holly
The Lake Hopatcong Foundation is pleased to announce our “Thirst for Knowledge” lunch-and-learn webinar series, created to share information and discuss topics of interest to our lake community.
We hope you can join us for our first webinar in the series, “Water Chestnut and Water Scouts: What’s It All About?” scheduled for Thursday, June 18, at 12:30 pm. LHF Grants and Program Director Donna Macalle-Holly will discuss the Foundation's continuing efforts to keep Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) like water chestnut (Trapa natans) from taking over the lake through our Water Scouts program. Water Scouts are volunteers educated in identifying, reporting, and removing invasive water chestnut and other AIS. Register below and then grab some lunch, and join us on June 18 for this fun and informative webinar!
Registration for this webinar is now closed.
Webinar replay: