December 02, 2022| Community, Education, Environment
By: Holly Odgers
This November, members of the Rotary Club of Lake Hopatcong traveled around Lake Hopatcong labeling storm drains that drain directly into the lake with markers to raise awareness about stormwater pollution prevention.
These storm drain markers feature a fish and water and state “No Dumping – Drains to Lake” as a reminder that storm drains on our roadways empty directly into our waterways and should never be used to dump pollutants.
Almetek Industries of Hackettstown donated 100 metal storm drain markers and supplies to get the project started. The first 25 markers have been installed in Hopatcong and the Rotary Club of Lake Hopatcong is reaching out to other Rotary Clubs and volunteer organizations in neighboring communities to expand the program around the lake.
For more information about this public education program or to volunteer, contact the Rotary Club of Lake Hopatcong at