May 15, 2020| Community, Environment, Events, Fundraising
By: Holly Odgers
We are excited to bring our annual native plant sale online with curbside pickup in order to continue to provide an opportunity for you to purchase native plants for your yard and garden during these COVID-19 times.
Please visit between May 15 and May 21 to purchase your favorite native plants. Curbside pickup will be available on Saturday, May 23 at the Lake Hopatcong Foundation Environmental & Cultural Center, 125 Landing Road, Landing (more details below).
More than 40 varieties of plants, all native to New Jersey, are available for purchase (see list below). Our native plants. supplied by Well-Sweep Herb Farm, are grown organically and come labeled and well-rooted in quart containers unless otherwise noted (a couple of selections come in 3-quart containers).
Though not native, we couldn't resist adding some organically grown tomatoes to the sale as well (thanks Marj!).
Please arrive during the following time slots according to the first letter of your last name:
For those who are unable to do curbside pickup, our board chairman, Marty Kane, has generously volunteered to deliver plants to the four towns surrounding Lake Hopatcong (Hopatcong, Jefferson, Mt. Arlington, and Roxbury). We are happy to provide this service for those who must remain quarantined for health purposes or who are unable to perform pickup. Please be respectful and only request this service if needed. Contact to make arrangements.
This sale has concluded. Please sign up for our e-newsletter to be the first to know about our 2021 native plant sale.
Native plants occur naturally in a region in which they evolved and are easier on the environment because they are adapted to the local landscape and generally require less water, less fertilizer, and little maintenance after they are established. They play a crucial part in the world's ecosystem and are important for the healthy populations of birds, native bees, butterflies, bats, and many mammals.
By choosing native plants in your yard, you are not only helping wildlife, you are creating a healthier place for yourself, your family, and your community. You are also making choices that are beneficial to the health of Lake Hopatcong, its watershed, and even the planet!
Anemone, Rue (Qt.) - (Anemonella thalictroides)
Artichoke, Jerusalem, White Root (Qt.) (Helianthus t.)
Aster, Heart-Leaved (Qt.) - (Aster cordifolium)
Aster, New England (Qt.) - (Aster novae-angliae)
Baptisia, Blue (Qt.) - (Baptisia australis)
Bergamont, Wild (Qt.) - (Monarda fistulosa)
Blue Bells, Virginia (Qt.) - (Mertensia virginica)
Bluebells-of-Scotland (Qt.) - (C. rotundifolia 'T.')
Boneset (Qt.) - (Eupatorium perfoliatum)
Butterfly Weed, Orange (Qt.) - (Asclepias tuberosa)
Butterfly Weed, Pink (Qt.) - (Asclepias incarnata)
Cardinal Flower, Blue (Qt.) - (Lobelia siphilitica)
Cardinal Flower, Red (Qt.) - (Lobelia cardinalis)
Cohosh, Black (Qt.) - (Cimicifuga racemosa)
Columbine, Native, Eastern Red (Qt.) - (A. canadensis)
Cone Flower, Purple (Qt.) - (Echinacea purpurea)
Coreopsis, 'Zagreb' (Qt.) (Coreopsis verticillata 'Z')
Culver's Root (Qt.) - (Veronicastrum virginicum)
Elderberry (Qt.) - (Sambucus canadensis)
Goldenrod, 'Fireworks' (Qt.) - (Solidago rugosa 'F.')
Ironweed, New York (Qt.) - (Vernonia noveboracensis)
Jacob's Ladder, North American (Qt.) - (Polemonium r.)
Joe-Pye Weed (Qt.) - (Eupatorium purpureum)
Labrador Tea (3Q) (Rhododendron (Ledum) groenlandicum)
Liatris, 'Kobold Original' (Qt.) - (L. spicata 'K. O.')
Milkweed, Common (Qt.) - (Asclepias syriaca)
Mountain Mint, Narrow-Leaved (Qt.) - (Pycnanthemum f.)
New Jersey Tea (Qt.) - (Ceanothus americanus)
Pawpaw (3Q) - (Asimina triloba)
Phlox, Creeping, 'Sherwood Purple' (Qt.) - P. s. 'S.P.'
Phlox, Meadow, Native (Qt.) - (Phlox maculata)
Primrose, Yellow (Qt.) - (Oenothera fruticosa)
Rudbeckia, 'Goldilocks' (Qt.) - (Rudbeckia hirta 'G.')
Rudbeckia, 'Goldquelle' (Qt.) - (R. laciniata 'G.')
Rudbeckia, 'Goldstrum' (Qt.) - (Rudbeckia fulgida 'G.')
Rudbeckia, Narrow-Leaved (Qt.) - (Rudbeckia triloba)
Shooting Stars, White (Qt.) - (Dodecatheon meadia 'A.')
Sunflower, Native, Ox-Eye (Qt.) - (H.helianthoides)
Trillium, Toad, Red (Qt.) - (Trillium sessile)
Witch Hazel (Qt.) - (Hamamelis virginiana)
Yarrow, White (Qt.) - (Achillea millefolium)