September 17, 2020| Events, Fundraising, Recreation
By: Lauren Rossi
What feels better than joining a group of energetic, hard-working community members to make the world a better place? Working out while doing it! Not only do collective accomplishments feel good but so does the simple act of taking a walk, going on a hike, paddling across the lake, or any physical activity. And did you know that exercise can reduce stress, decrease social anxiety, increase energy, improve blood circulation, and much more. You even get a short-term euphoria! With this literally in mind, we are asking you to get moving with us from October 1 to October 11 for the Virtual Lake Loop Challenge and help us reach our cumulative goal of getting active for 2,020 hours while raising $60,000 towards our mission.
Meet us at the “gym,” our Lake Loop STRAVA Club, so you don’t have to do it alone! Through STRAVA, you can follow other participant's workouts, check out their routes, give them kudos (similar to “likes” on Facebook), and even comment on their workouts. It's a great way to cheer each other on while everyone goes at their own pace while doing their favorite activities. Find out more about how to sign up for STRAVA HERE.
It’s fun to get a kick out of each other on social media, so get in front OR behind your camera to help us make these 11 days creative. Get silly, go nuts, and have a lot of fun! We'll be awarding prizes for the best photos, so post them on social media using #LakeLoopChallenge, or send your photos to Fun, right?
Give us your best team name for a laugh (Caitlin, our Deputy Development Director, is still encouraging someone to take Chicken Noodle Loop!). We've heard some teams already throwing down on who is going to be our top fundraisers (oooooooh!). Maybe you are so dedicated to your workouts you and a friend can compete to see who will complete the most hours towards our 2,020-hour goal. No matter how you slice it, some good-natured trash talk can be fun. Bring it!
We say…
“I got this feeling inside my bones
It goes electric, wavey when I turn it on
All through my “lake”, all through my home
We're flying up, no ceiling when we're in our zone.
I got that sunshine in my pocket
Got that good soul in my feet
Feel that hot blood in my body when it drops
I can't take my eyes up off it, moving so phenomenally
You gonna like the way we rock it, so don't stop….” (Lyrics By Justin Timberlake)
Let’s do this for our lake, our watershed, and ourselves! Loop on, Lake Hopatcong!
You can find out more and register for the Virtual Lake Loop Challenge HERE.
Lauren Rossi is a consultant for the Lake Hopatcong Foundation and one of the 2020 Virtual Lake Loop Challenge Planners.