November 10, 2023| Community, Environment, Events
By: Caitlin Doran
By now you’ve hopefully checked out our “overflowing” album of cleanup photos, snapped during Saturday’s Lake-wide Community Cleanup. It’s full of entertaining and sometimes surprising pictures taken by team leaders, volunteers, and staff as we cleared 28,000 lbs. of shoreline trash and debris, over the course of several hours.
After reviewing all the awesome shots, a panel of “expert cleanup photo judges” chose just a handful of "winners" for our very ad-hoc, very unofficial cleanup photo contest. Enjoy the selection below, and know that we enjoyed every smile, muddy boot, weird discovery, and group effort captured on November 4! In no particular order is the:
A great big THANK YOU to everyone who emailed us your photos. Have some to add to the photo album? Please email them to us at before the end of the month, so that we can include them.
September 13, 2023
Community, Environment, Events
November 10, 2023
Community, Environment, Events, People
November 10, 2023
Community, Environment, People