August 20, 2021| Community, Events, People
By: Caitlin Doran
The gang calls it the volunteer Super Bowl. It takes hundreds of volunteers and plenty of work to pull off the community’s biggest event, our annual Lake Hopatcong Block Party. The reward? Producing something that brings together friends, families, neighbors, local businesses, and organizations – a day we all look forward to and love!
And, of course, there’s the camaraderie.
Sitting in on our VIC meetings - that’s Volunteer-in-Charge for those new to the event, like me - it was easy to see why these volunteers were passionate about tasks like greeting vendors and guests, educating and entertaining children with games and activities, assisted down by the free boat rides, coordinating scavenger hunts, stamping Adventure Program passports, selling 50/50 raffle tickets to benefit the Foundation…
But volunteers were equally amped over perfecting the parking logistics, helping vendors in and out of the “trouble lane", and figuring out the most efficient way to direct traffic in and out of the park. In short, these are people who really enjoy taking something good and making it great. And it doesn’t hurt that they’re surrounded by like-minded people – who somehow make it all feel fun!
So whether you sign-up for a morning shift, when we’re busy setting up for the event, an early afternoon shift when vendor arrival, parking, and activities are getting underway, a later afternoon shift when the Block Party is in full swing, or can make it for the “Bitter End” shift, where fresh reinforcements are needed to help put the Block Party away, your help is greatly needed and appreciated! Sign up below to be part of one truly amazing day at Hopatcong State Park!
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