August 07, 2020| Safety
By: Holly Odgers
B-SAFE (Blue Signs Are For Emergencies) Dock Numbers, are a simple thing each lakefront homeowner can do to help make Lake Hopatcong a little safer. We are currently taking orders for our next printing, the last one we will place in 2020!
B-SAFE Dock Numbers are weatherproof aluminum signs with blue with white reflective numbers. They do not contain any personal information and can be mounted to your dock, boathouse, post, or tree. These signs are designed to help emergency personnel efficiently respond by land or water. Your posted number can also provide an easy way for friends to locate your dock.
Order by September 1 for delivery on or about October 1.
Each lakefront property has been assigned a unique dock number, or “lake address,” which is linked to the 9-1-1 street address. Lakefront property owners may voluntarily purchase and post a B-SAFE dock number where it can be easily seen from the water. If an emergency occurs, an accurate location can be reported using the nearest dock number as a reference point.