July 29, 2022| Events, Fundraising, People
By: Caitlin Doran
Last week, 275 dedicated supporters of the Lake Hopatcong Foundation packed the Stone Water restaurant to celebrate a decade of protecting our lake and honor those who, ten years ago, had a vision for a healthier, more vibrant Lake Hopatcong. It was an evening of great food, great fun, deserved awards, and a best and biggest-ever gala fundraiser for our organization. Guests wore hues of blue in solidary and celebration of clean water, making for a beautiful scene, captured in these photos. Many thanks to our photographer, Ulla Vinkman, and to all who shared their photos with us.
Sponsorships, auction proceeds, ticket and raffle sales all culminated in $100K raised for LHF: funds critically needed to continue our programs and initiatives in the areas of advocacy, environment, education, and community. We are grateful beyond measure to all those who supported us to make this happen – whether you donated a prize, took out an ad, sponsored and attended the event, made a donation, and/or bid on the auction, everyone came together to make this milestone event a runaway success, in support of our shared cause.
To our beloved honorees, Bela, Jess, Tom, and Marty, thank you for your vision, dedication, and tireless work to make Lake Hopatcong the best it can be, and for letting us celebrate you last week. We are grateful, also, to Congresswoman Sherrill, Senator Bucco, Assemblyman Bergen, Assemblywoman Dunn, and Sherriff Gannon for issuing official proclamations, and to all the elected officials who came out to show their support.
Our annual Gala and Auction comes together through the hard work of a dedicated committee that plans and preps for months. Please take a bow, Stacey Allen, Mike Broking, Marie Cook, Robin Dora, Karen Foley, Lisa Hirschfeld, Pat Hoferkamp, Jim Leffler, Patty Parise, and Oonagh Ross. You did it!
A large part of the success of the evening can be attributed to deeper commitments from generous companies and individuals who sponsored the event. Please join us in thanking: Hudson Farm Club, Live the Lake NJ, BMW, Bob and Cynthia Hamburger, John and Grace Soldoveri Foundation, The Riverside Company, Liquor Factory, William and Randi Strauss, Merrill Lynch, Koerner Cranes & Equipment, Garrity, Graham, Murphy, Garofalo & Flinn, New Jersey League of Conservation Voters Education Fund, Daniel M Libby and Nancy Kemeny M.D., Dave and Kathi Jones, Franklin Mutual Insurance Company, Fulton Bank of New Jersey, Jess and Ken Beckerman, John and Cyndi Deermount, Anderson and Rust Consulting, RAARE Solutions, Tracy and Joel Beckerman, Katz's Marina at the Cove, and Tuli Enterprises.
We’d also like to thank all those businesses and community members who placed an ad or sent well wishes to the honorees in our souvenir event journal. We invite you to flip through the journal here (part 1) and here (part 2).
With deep gratitude again to everyone who made this such a special night and successful fundraiser, and to Stone Water for hosting us and making it all happen, we say thank you and rededicate ourselves to ten more years of protecting and improving our lake!