September 21, 2020| Community, Environment, Events
By: Donna Macalle-Holly
Seventeen volunteers gathered in front of the Nixon School on World Cleanup Day, September 19, for our annual cleanup along Mt. Arlington Boulevard. Each year, the Foundation organizes the gathering to pick up trash along the nearly 2-mile stretch in support of Roxbury’s Adopt-A-Spot Program.
The group, the largest that has ever gathered for the cleanup, filled 25 trash bags and a discarded storage container with litter for pickup by the Roxbury DPW. Some unusual items found along the roadside were an old VCR tape and a decomposing pumpkin which turned white. Since volunteers left the pumpkin seeds, who knows if we’ll come across a pumpkin patch during next year’s cleanup. Supplies for the cleanup were provided by the Roxbury Township Clean Communities program.
We'd like to thank all who came out on that crisp, clear morning. In under two hours, they made a big impact!
If you missed the LHF cleanup, you can still volunteer at these other upcoming cleanups in Hopatcong, Jefferson, or Roxbury. I will be at Jefferson's cleanup on October 17, where I always pick up litter along Espanong Road! Let’s keep our lake communities litter-free!
Saturday, September 26, 9 am - 1 pm
Hopatcong Borough Hall, 111 River Styx Road
No registration required
Sponsored by the Hopatcong Environmental Commission, Sussex County Mosquito Control, and Hopatcong Clean Communities
Saturday, October 17, 8 am- 12 noon
Camp Jefferson, 81 Weldon Road, Lake Hopatcong
To register call Patty Romano at 973-208-6102 or sign-up HERE
Organized by Troop 5098
Saturday, October 24 (Rain Date Sunday, October 25), 9 am
Roxbury DPW Building, 96 North Dell Avenue, Kenvil
To register contact Kellie Ann Keyes at or call 973-448-2053
Sponsored by Roxbury Township Clean Communities